Friday, January 4, 2013

Nine Patch Progress

Rule number one of quilting: measure twice and count to make sure you have the right amount of pieces needed.

No, I have not wasted precious fabric, I have once again bitten off more than I can chew. Seeing as how the Pinterest quilt did not come with instructions, I improvised. Those of you who have known me personally for years can commence shaking your heads now! Either I got a little too cut happy with my new Olfa cutter, or I just wasn't thinking and I have cut enough squares for roughly 6 queen sized quilts. Oops.

Despite that, last night at the sewing night and an hour or so tonight has resulted in nearly 30 completed blocks! I decided to work one colour scheme at a time and speedily put together the rows for each block. I'm guessing about an hour of sewing and pressing tomorrow night will finish off the "blue" blocks. After that, I'm moving onto the pink. With all the surplus blocks, and some good company from an old friend last night, I believe her daughter is in for a treat! Here are a few pictures for you then it's off to bed!


  1. They are so pretty! Good job! Can't wait to see the finished product. Oh, and BTW, the lovely ironing board cover makes the pieces look better too.

    1. I agree with that. The ironing board cover can make or break your picture!!
