Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Another New Toy!!

What's the best gift to get a crazy crafting cat lady?  Why, more supplies to be an even bigger crazy crafting cat lady!!

Tomorrow is my birthday, so on Sunday evening, Big D and I had dinner at my parents place with them and my Grandpa.  We had my mom's famous home made pizza and a lovely home made cake.  It was a quiet evening but it was exactly what I wanted.  To celebrate my 28th year, and my obsession for all things sewing and crafting.  I was given this....


(Yes....its epic and deserves suspense!)
TA DA!!!

My very own adjustable dress form!!  I couldn't believe it! I was, and still am, completely awe struck that I finally have my very own!  We decided she must have a name, and a long time friend of mine said it reminded him of a lady Iron Man.  So, with his approval, her name is Roberta! (Robert Downey Jr...get it...get it?!?! Oh come on, I thought it was funny!)

So with Big D on the road the rest of the week after tonight, I should have lots of time to play with her.  I have a dress to finish that I will use her for.  Plus, this way I can hang clothing works in progress on it without them becoming a kitty bed.