Monday, October 5, 2015

3 more sleeps!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the countdown is in it's final days! We are three sleeps away from departing for Mississinewa! Things could not be more hectic!

Big D is on the road and fighting some sort of cold/flu bug as he tries to make his way home. It breaks my heart that I can't help him when he's away other than google things for him to try to get some relief. Hopefully he is home tomorrow night and can get some rest.

There is no rest for JM, Mr E and Mrs C. We set up the giant marquee today just to make sure we had all the parts. Big D's dad and step mom came to give us a hand with the setup and loading of the vehicles. Mr E and Mrs C are leaving a day before us to take a more leisurely trip.

JM and I have been madly prepping last minute items. Big D's shirts are done and his waistcoat is halfway there. 

We've also tried our hand at a historic vermicelli egg noodle recipe to add to soup. We found a video from Jas Townsend & Son on YouTube that gives a step by step of the recipe from "The Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy" by Hannah Glasse, first published in 1747. I can't wait to try out these recipes on site and make amazing campfire meals.

That's all for now. I probably won't get a chance to post again until after Mississinewa. Get ready for some picture heavy posts my friends!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I'm back!!

My dearly devoted and likely departed readers, I am back! What a whirl wind the last two years have been! Big D and I were married almost two years ago and since then our lives have seen some major changes. A new vehicle, a dog, career advancements, our own home and even a live in sewing buddy! Okay, the last one only benefits me as I now have JM around all the time to keep me company and help out while Big D is on the road but it's nice having the house full of life. 

We are once again preparing for a trip to Mississinewa in Marion, IN and Big D is tagging along with us! It will also be Mr E and Mrs C's first visit! As such, the prep around here has been crazy! Big D has none of his own costumes and I have been madly sewing to get him outfitted for the trip. There's also the matter of my 1810 day dress. Ya know, the one I posted about three years ago that was ruined by mud. Call me lazy, but I just haven't had time until now to handle it. I trimmed off the train but it was still gross and I didn't love it anymore.

See all the yuk? TERRIBLE! I came up with the plan to dye it to cover the stains and bring new life to the dress. It won't be fancy but it will offer me a middle class option for around town.

Last night, as we giggled at all of our awful puns, JM and I sat in the basement shining flashlights into the washing machine to see the transformation take place. I have a front load washer and I was hesitant to use the dye through the soap dispenser but it worked like a charm!

There she be, slowly turning from peach to red. I bought two bottles of Rit liquid dye in Wine and hoped for the best. I am extremely happy with the result.

Left is me circa 2010 for the Royal visit and to the right is my new beautiful day dress! I should have the alterations done tomorrow, then I'll be packing it away for our trip in two weeks!

Just for fun, here's a picture of Big D in one of the shirts I made him and his dad's waist coat. He really is enjoying it more than he's letting on.

I hope to post more this weekend as I complete projects. I'll likely cheat on the third shirt for him and his waist coat by using my machine. Two hand made shirts isn't too bad though. A solid effort!