Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Back to Quilting

After I got home from work last night, I sat down and did some sewing.  I finally felt a little better from my cold and decided to make use of my time.  I was so in the zone I forgot my phone was in my purse on silent and missed a call from my mom...oops! I finally finished assembling the rows for the Jump Rope quilt!

I originally wanted to try to have no like colours touching in the rows or columns, but it seems kind of hard to avoid.  I don't think the few that are look bad so I'm going to leave it like that.  I did get three rows sewn together last night and pressed before I decided it was bedtime.  I'm hoping that I can finish it soon.  I have a blue plaid I wanted to use for the back but now I'm not sure if I want to use it anymore.  It doesn't seem to go with the top as much as I thought it would.  Time to go bed sheet shopping!!  Now I need to come up with a fun way to quilt this one.  I think I want to look for stencils and do a fancy design on this one.  Something other than just straight lines and swirls that I've done before.  If any of you out there have resources for that, let me know

And, for your viewing pleasure, my little "helper" Kokanee demonstrating the cat rule "if I fits, I sits"!

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