Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some Old Projects or A Brief History in the Creation of a Crazy Crafting Cat Lady!

All of this work that I've been doing lately has had people asking me “how many quilts have you made”, “how long have you been making these crafts” and similar questions. It got me to thinking I should showcase some of the work I've done pre-blogging.

My first quilt I made was inspired from helping my mom with some research she was doing for a paper. She had a ton of quilting books and I fell in love with a brick wall pattern. This was the first quilt I had ever attempted, so simplicity was a must. I used scrap fabrics and a few old pairs of jeans for the brick wall and only had to buy material for the border and backing. At the time, I only had a very tiny, hand-me-down Singer feather weight sewing machine from my great Aunt. Suffice it to say that when my quilt was done, the machine was too! I enjoyed making that quilt but lack of a sewing machine made it hard to continue. I bought a used machine online and it worked...kinda...IF it felt like it. It also liked to eat bobbin thread like a fat kid eats cake. That machine was part of the reason my fall table topper wasn't finished in so many years.

It was in the year and a half that I didn't have a sewing machine that I went through my knitting phase. I still haven't knitted a sweater, but I had scarves, toques, purses and every other project imaginable. Part of me still wanted to scratch that sewing itch, and joining the MLHS gave me an excuse to buy a machine and get started. I still do knitting and other crafts. I have a shawl on the go right now and a tub of yarn stashed under the bed.  I also picked up some cross stitching again while away hunting last year.

My first knitted garment!  A ponch!!!

I still have this purse, but have never managed to get the lining done.  (Maybe I can do that with my new machine!)

I wouldn't say I have a favorite or preferred craft, I mostly go through phases. I would say that the impatient part of me enjoys sewing and quilting more. The project comes together a lot quicker than with knitting.

I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my earlier work!

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